510 808 333
Company ekajaki.pl has been operating on the tourism services market since 2005. We are a family company. The company operates mainly as an organizer of kayaking events as well as other events somehow connected to kayaking. From the very beginning we have focused on high quality of the services. The company purchased modern polyethylene equipment thanks to which it was possible to work out a very wide range of kayak trips from very easy trips for beginners to sections of a mountain nature for very experienced kayakers. Polyethylene kayaks make it possible to explore the kayak routes which up till now have not been inaccessible using kayaks of an old type. Location of the headquarters in the heart of Pomeranian land of kayak routes made it possible to build a very competitive price offer. Our greatest interest covers very popular routes such as Wda and Brda, but we wanted to popularize a very attractive, but little known at home and abroad tourist routes: Słupia, Łupawa, Wieprza and their tributaries. We have created a very innovative website www.ekajaki.pl, which contains our own descriptions of kayaking routes rivers no one has written about before, practical advice for beginners, videos from various sections, interactive maps and winter kayaking which means breaking down stereotypes! As the first ones we introduced packages for one-day kayaking trips (price, range of services, the degree of difficulty) on the market. More than 20 of the most attractive one-day trips have met with wide acceptance among our customers. Every year we increase the number of kayaks.
more than 200 top polyethylene kayaks
we covered more than 10 000 km of rivers of Pomerania (measured and described)
3 language versions of our service (Polish, German, English)
3000 km of navigable kayaking routes operated by ekajaki.pll
1 : Number of zlotys participation in winter trip costs
360 : The numbers of days we spend kayaking
1 000 : The total length of paddles we own (in meters)
26 000 : The number of kilowatts produced by hydroelectric power stations on Słupia, Łupawa, Wieprza and Radunia
100 000 : So many places we have in our kayaks all year long
300 000 : The number of times our films have been displayed
1 000 000 : So many times our web pages were displayed in 2013