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2009 December: The main prize in the competition for the local brand "Green Heart of Pomerania" for services rendered: kayaking.
2009 April: Medal Mercurius Gedanensis of Gdańsk Tourism Fair, 2009 – for webpage www.ekajaki.pl
2010 April: The main prize for the most attractive booth granted by the audience at Kayak Expo 2010
2010 April: Gdańsk Tourism Fair award for our website for inbound tourism: www.slupia.info - an interactive guide to Słupia River
2010 April: Medal Mercurius Gedanensis at Gdańsk Tourism Fair 2010 - the best catalogues for inbound tourism "One day kayaking trips" and “Multi day kayaking trips"
2010 October: X International Economic Forum in Gdynia during which Andrzej Tenderenda presented "How to build and commercialize active tourism offer in Pomerania successfully. Kayaks, bicycles, incentives ".
2011: Certificate of Pearl in the Crown - Słupia river with the current – kayaking trips
2011 April: The main prize for the most attractive booth awarded by the audience at Kayak Expo
2012 April: Medal Mercurius Gedanensis at Gdańsk Tourism Fair 2012 for a comprehensive offer for water tourism
2012 September: Award for Best Tourist Product in Pomerania Region 2012 – Kayak Water Tram: Weekend trip with instructor
2012 October: Award at XX International Fair Tour Salon - Good Side of Tourism for www.slupia.info: for unconventional idea
2013 April: Award at Kayak Expo 2013: for services to promote safe kayak tourism
2014 January: Implementation of identifying navigable part of the river Wierzyca and inventory of potential labeling and points of small tourist infrastructure
2014 April: Medal Mercurius Gedanensis at Gdańsk Tourism Fair 2014 – for a new page ekajaki.pl
2014 April: Award Kayak Expo 2014: a mobile version of ekajaki.pl
2010 June: support for event 3-piers - Sea Kayaking Half Marathon
2011 February: support for Słupia Basin Partnership Foundation - Fair Grune Woche in Berlin
2011 April: Support and co-organization of event NAVIGATORIA ADVENTURE RACE 2011
2011 July: support for the project "With Current Against the Current" www.zprademipodprad.blogspot.com
2011 August: Support of Expedition Vistula Formosa
2011 August: Support of kayaking in area of Soszyca
2012 January: Support of The first Winter Kayaking Trip from Bornholm to Kolobrzeg
2012 April: Support and co-organization of event NAVIGATORIA ADVENTURE RACE 2012
2012 August: Support of kayaking in area of Soszyca
2013 April: Support and co-organization of event NAVIGATORIA ADVENTURE RACE 2013
2013 August: Support and co-operation of event as a part of cycle Grand Prix of Kashubian Area - „On kayak through Pomerania” 2013
2013 August: Support of kayaking in area of Soszyca
2013 October: Support and co-organization of event Hanza AnO 2013 - ŁOŚ
2014 March : Support of event Kobitki to Kolibki organized by Kolibki Adventure Park