


wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych
na zasadach określonych w regulaminie

wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji handlowych drogą elektroniczną na zasadach określonych w regulaminie

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nie wyrażam zgody

Route and timing trip

One day trip
Weekend trip
Several days trip


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0 km

0 people

100% satisfaction

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When booking kayaking trip down payment required.

The account number is given after the approval of the costs and terms of trip by clicking on the link sent in accepting our offer

We allow two forms of payment:

1. Transfer directly to our bank account

2. Electronic payment implemented by the biggest system in Poland - PayU (belonging to the Allegro) - so you pay directly from your bank and do not incur additional costs of transfer.


Both forms of payment are the only ones accepted ekajaki.pl

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